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Call of Duty Modern Warfare - Ripping the Player Off!

Season 1 was recently launched roughly just over a week ago for Call of Duty Modern Warfare and came with a whole bunch of new updates, features and lets not forget....Micro- Transactions!

Our favourite saying that has really been making its mark in the game world of late is Micro-Transactions within game. We are all familiar with this concept by now and it seems more and more games are including this into their new releases. Call of Duty is no new comer to this idea and this trend has carried on into Modern Warfare and now comes with possibly the most ridiculous package yet, Mother Russia, which includes some in game items, but the highlighted item is the wrist watch it comes with.

This bundle will cost around R320 at R159 for 1000 Points and you will need 2000 Points in order to purchase it. This watch revolves around a recent update that removes your death count that could be viewed during the game by looking at your scoreboard. You also cannot purchase the watch separately, meaning you will need to grab the bundle pack in order to take advantage of the feature.

The game has already cost around R950 to R1050 on the PC's Battlenet Platform, depending on the currency exchange with the Rand to Euro and Roughly R1100 on PS4 and Xbox One. There is already a Battlepass up for purchase, which will cost you 1000 Points, in order to unlock about 90% of the in-game content during the season and new operators. Infinity Ward were really proud of not having a Season Pass in their game, but they are actually collecting more money now with all these Micro-Transactions purchases.

The decision does reside with the player at the end of the day as to buy or not buy in-game content, but I do feel considering how much we pay to just own the game, why should we still be expected to pay more? Let us know how you feel in the comments.

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